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Pokemon bleeding toad 7
Pokemon bleeding toad

Langue de la carte : français

Date de création : 24 avril 2024

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Nom : bleeding toad

Série : HeartGold & SoulSilver - Pokémon Prime

Type : Obscurité

Attaque 1 : Physical Adaptations
1. When they are stressed, they begin to change color due to a chemical. 2. They are small so they are able to hide under things so predators are not able to get to them.

Attaque 2 : Behavioral
1. the bleeding toad hides under rocks or logs to survive from predators. 2. they create a chemical when stressed that helps them to stay safe from infections.

Commentaires : They live in the mountains near slow moving creeks.

Illustrateur : Zander

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